Taken from outside of the "New Squash Court" in late evening, this lovely shot of the Club Hill almost seems ready for walking on with "fag" held secretly behind on hand, or for riding down on a boxcart.
At the peak of Club Hill, is the junction with Mahogany Avenue that leads to Lime Ave. This picture is taken from just below the four-pole electric pylon and looks down Mahogany past the house where I lived with the Baynes for many happy years. It would be the third house on the left, just peeping out from behind what was the Gibbon's and hiding the Nicholson's.
Nothing left of Mango Ave........all golf course now, so I went to where their Bus Shelter was on the other side of the road, near what was the top of Mango, and took this pic looking down the golf course in the little valley that runs between the hillock that leads to Endridge to the right, and where Jeff Parsons' house would have been behind and to the left of the tree with the sign, to the left. Again late evening shadows cast a really nostalgic air to the scene.
We are approaching the top of Concorde hill, and off to the left is Samaan Ave, leading to Tamarind Ave. Just to the right of the old "Stop' sign is where the Westmorlands lived. Just out of the picture is where the Bennetts lived. The house immediately at the left of the junction is No1 Samaan, and the Lethbridges used to live there (Thanks Malcolm).
Now that I am older and bigger, the roads look smaller, and many things are not as I remember them, but Concorde Hill is the same....steep and "bad",and gives the impression of being cool and in charge. Most of today's joggers run up Club Hill and down this one......I tried an "up-run" on Concorde the other day and succeed, but was useless to man and beast for a while afterwards......walked all the way to the top of Club Hill and then coasted back down to the squash court. To the left is Peter Hugh's house with the big pommerak tree gone. Widdups would have been on the right going down the hill behind the bamboos which were my first PaP smoking place. Fernandes' lived directly across the road from them.
The junction of Reservoir Rd. and Concorde Circular, offers a fitting place to end this part of the drive, as we will turn left and head off to No4 Mess next.