Country Club - Carnival Friday Night.


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Ole Mas'.

Following in her Dad's footsteps, this character (The Maxi one), adds an air of traditional Ole Mas' to the evening. In keeping with tradition and respecting her mask I cannot say who she is. Good costume though, the other character (Peter Pasea) actually tried to flag her down for a ride to the bar....HaHa, great stuff!!

Party Party.

Nuff said.....Trinis partying!!

Pipeman, A Bunny, And A Beauty.

The Old Dons glad to see Bruce and girlfriend Renee....our first time meeting Renee...super chic. He a Pipeman?? she a Bunny, and Dons a...well throwback from last year.....looking good though!!

Guess Who?

Who are these two handsome chaps? No masks here....Rick Pontifex on the left and Joel Maingot on the right pointing at his drink. This year one calypso from St.Vincent (Vincy Land) sang about "two sapodillas and a nine inch banana".....this guy has a spare on his belt...hmmmmm! The salt of PaP earth...thanks guys.

Golden Girls.

This happy threesome had a ball as they usually do. Well known, and well loved, they are affectionately called the Golden Girls. From left Yvonne Millar, Pam Lyon, and Gloria O'Connor (Rostant) my Mum-in-law.