Odile has recorded this as the No.2 green with Lake House (Lake Asphalt) in the background. In my golf playing days at Brighton, this was the No.4 green. After this hole we hit over the pond for No.5. The horrible ball eating pond!! The No.4 fairway went from near to the house where the de Verteuils lived and was the longest on the course, passing right by our home. It was the source of many of my golf balls........slicing in to our yard was a frequent and welcomed event. The old No.2 was a very short hole where the tee was down at beach-front road level and the green was above it.....almost straight up.........a 9 iron or wedge off the tee.......we knew it as "The Volcano" and it was my only hole-in-one.
Never liked this fairway, the No.7 in my day. Had a lot of rough with pitch outcrops and areas with no grass. The tee was near the dispensary and sort of the behind the main gate. Odile identifies it as No.5. In my days the No.5 was a short hole across the pond. Our No.5 would be off to the left among the trees.......might just be able to see it, the lighter green patch behind the trees. The Sobo jetty in the background seems to be quite active still in this pic.
At the time of the picture this was the No.7 fairway and green. It used to be the No.8 fairway and green, the de Verteuils lived off to the left behind the trees. One of my favourites, I scored at least three birdies (two strokes) on this hole, always enjoyed the Rose mangoes near the tee, remember the little bridge that we had to cross after teeing off. There was a little hidden pond near by where we used to get all our fish.........quabines, fresh water sardines with red tails, craw fish, zangees (fresh water eels) and more.
This is both a happy and sad picture for me...happy because this was my favourite hole of all and it is great to see it again even as a mixture of pixels.......regular birdies (two strokes) on what was the No.9 hole (spoon off the tee and No.8 iron for the second shot....great chipping Darwent), and the green was right in front of our home. Sad because at the time of this pic our home was already gone!!! Just behind the little palm to the left of the green was where our home was, with the men's No.1 tee right in front. The ladies tee was further to the right near some palms and right outside of The Guest House which Mr.Augustus C. Long (Texaco Chairman) described as his favourite place in the world. I do not know when our house died. I know little of what happened after we left. I never said goodbye and thanks. I remember crying when we left Brighton the first time for PaP. Once the crying was over the old place was forgotten, even when we moved back to Brighton when Dad went to Lake Asphalt, I didn't go and look for the old place......too much partying and friends........different things were important then. But now the passage of time and increasing age has kicked-in ,and now that I look back to try to find the map of my journey through life the facts about what happened to our old home and when it happened takes on new importance.......too late, too late shall be the cry........our home is gone and I don't know when or why. I do remember that Wilsons lived there and feel good that such lovely people kept the house happy for a while.
Loic focuses on his put....head down....feet planted firmly as he tries to sink the ball on the No.9 green. This wasn't even there when I played....this was a gentle slope in front of what was the Bachelors Mess and right below the big steel mast out front. The slope went gently down towards the tennis courts and where the no.1 green was......long time ago!!! Can't quite figure out the two pieces of Sobo jetty, but there is a small ship anchored just of the jetty head, maybe waiting for a berth. Remember that the ships used to tie up across the end of the jetty not alongside like at Brighton.