This pic is taken from where the old gas station once stood, the one that was sinking in the middle. Here we are looking towards Point d'Or and its junction.
Point d'Or junction in the pic above, shows the main road that ran all the way through la Brea, led to the Sobo jetty to the right, and to the left the main road that led down to Three Hands Junction. In the junction itself, still stands the house where the trucks that carried the Van Leer drums out for delivery. Seems to me Victor Campbell owned the trucks??
The main road that ran from Point d'Or to Three Hands Junction and on to Vessigny, Guapo, KTO, and Point Fortin past Salik's Emporium. Three Hands Junction was given its name as it in fact had three hands or directions......Point, La Brea and San Fernando.
This is Three Hands junction taken from the La Brea or Brighton "hand", seeing the Point "hand" to the right and the San Fernando "hand" to the left.
In the pic above I try to capture where the old landmark truck scale in Three Hands junction once stood. Alas it is no longer there, the historic structure having fallen a few years ago and never been replaced. The importance of our memories are ours only.
Above is a view of the Pitch Lake that should invoke some memories. I tried to include the yellow coloured tractors working on the Lake mining pitch but the field was too large and they cannot be seen easily. No more do the wooden cab trucks drive on to the Lake to dig pitch by hand and, as often would happen, get bogged down as they sank down in the pitch right up to their chassis.
Through the bushes we can get a glimpse of the Lake Asphalt plant and the long tramway up which the mined pitch was hauled to the vats. The refinery and steam plant, the offices, the jetty and the Brighton Buckets are all gone now.....all that remains are our memories, and they too shall be gone one day and there will be no one left to mourn this wonderful place. I can hear the sound of that tramway like it was yesterday. I can smell the hot boiling pitch, close my eyes and be walking up the road past the Sports Ground with the boys on some adventure around the Lake.