Date : 28, August 2005.
Subject: Big Six-O.
Hi All,
When Donna first broached the subject of the sixtieth birthday party for me, my immediate reaction was what the hell for, what on earth is there to celebrate in being 60 years old, 21,915 days including leap years. For heavens sake, the next time someone takes a tape measure to me it won't be measuring for a new suit, instead they will be measuring me for adult pampers (someone suggested a pine box maybe!!!), the discussion will soon become "what is his favourite food?"....Gerber potato and carrots???, and on top of it all I have less friends now than I did seven years ago, three of my best friends have gone away never to come back. What is there to celebrate??
And then I thought about it over the next few days, and I do in fact have a lot to celebrate, I have sixty years of wonderful life to look back on and to reflect on the realization that I would not change one thing.
Brighton and PaP standout; the wonderful times, the wonderful adults and friends, and the freedom that we were blessed with.
Our sons and now daughters-in-law, and the grandchildren......enough said!!!
The pictures below have all been sent in by ex-PaP people....hope that you enjoy.
and Mary-Louise Goellnicht entertain Valerie Hughes at right in
the photo' at their home "Down under". Valerie is the
daughter of Mr. Hughes and who taught chemistry and was the custodian
of Archie, the "strap of discipline", and Mrs. Hughes
or Emma who taught us maths. I've seen Valerie's brother Peter
quite a few times recently. Peter was a good friend in the PaP
days and it is great to be back in touch.
The pictures above are all taken at Mrs. Whitney's 89th birthday party. Present are George and John with wives, Pat and her husband Richard. Missing is Terry who was away baby sitting the grands in Florida. What a wonderful person. Her little sense of quiet humour shines through in the last pic of her by herself. Belated happy birthday Mum, and best wishes.
These two black & white pics are taken of John
and Allison Archer's father's family in Dominica. The one on the
left circa 1927 and the other around 1916. Their dad is the lad
in the pic at left in the short pants and the scowl. John's sad
note to me when he posted them via e-mail was that all the lovely
people in these pics are now dead. Time really moves on.
have read this news since Saturday, May 27th, 2000.
by bCentral